Closing, Camper and Cancer…. Oh My! 

Hi Friends, 

It has been months since I have updated you and or done a blog post. Why? It has been a chaos tornado over here in the Tyler household. We have a lot to talk about, so grab you a warm cup of ambition and settle in.

Lets start with Closing! We FINALLY sold our house on June 21, 2024.

It was on the market for 103 days before we found the perfect couple to buy our piece of heaven. It has been a huge transition for us, moving from a 2,000 sq ft house to a 43 ft fifth wheel. Nevertheless, we all love the RV lifestyle!  

If you are going through a move, selling or buying, renting or moving into with family…. My patience and understanding is with you. I have never been more stressed, or upset or powered by adrenal than ever before! Moving is no joke! I give credit to all the military families who are pros at this lifestyle. 

We had some snags along the way, when we were trying to get under contract. Selling in todays age of high interest rates, is not for the faint of heart. The demands people have the audacity to ask is strange to me, as the manners of society is fleeting. 

Maybe that’s why I cling to vintage things, shows and lifestyles. My mother would have my head if I acted as some adults. 

By the grace of God, we finally sold. It was and is still a bittersweet moment that we are working through… I really miss my big water heater and makeup vanity though! But my handy husband put in a farmhouse bath tub (stock tank) cough cough, for me and I couldn’t be happier. 

We are currently still finding a solution for a vanity but I know it will come to us in due time.

  The biggest win for me is that Case, who is now 2, is FINALLY sleeping through the night!!! High five to myself! He absolutely loves his bunk house and his room that we have to wake him up most days and drag him away from Neverland to eat. 

I have learned that I don’t need as many clothes as I thought I needed. Mind you, (I have bags of clothes that I have in our storage that I can’t get rid of just yet,) but I only have the things I will wear in this season in our walk-in closet. Yeah you read that right….walk in closet, in a camper! 

I don’t need as many plates and cups and cooking helpers as I once did, But I sure do miss having supper on a glass plate. We have these plastic plates… they work! But not a fancy dinner in here for now. 

I don’t need to have as much water as I though I needed, not drinking water, I am part fish so I drink a ton! But water for bathing, cleaning and all the other needs. It has trained us to be super conscious of just how much we were wasting and along with how much trash we accumulate is quite sickening for any human to have on a daily bases. No wonder why the oceans need our help so bad to end the stop of trash that is threatening wildlife and our earth! 

All in all… RV living is quite beautiful! 

So I guess I merged the 2 together of Closing and Camper, now the scary word. Cancer. 

My beloved fur baby Tarzan who will be 10 on October 6 has cancer. Every furr parents worst nightmare. He went in for a teeth cleaning, along with a mass removal on his head (which I thought was cancer) turned out to be benign. However they found a marble size bass in his anal gland, which is one of the most common types of cancers for dogs. 

My heart sunk when his Doctor called with the news. I lost my best friend, my Nana, our family  matriarch, to cancer a couple of years ago and all I can say is F*** Cancer!  We have to stand up to find a cure for all of the people and animals effected. 

This is why part our mission, with RoamingTylers, is to give him the best, last couple of years of his life!  So many walks! So many wet lazy swims, so so many squirrels to chase. Traveling with your family is not only good for the humans involved, but it unleashes the ancestors of your pets to be more feral,  in the best way. Using their senses to strengthen their lives, while protecting yours, and this is part of my passion as a furr mama, and hooman mama. To give them the greatest adventure, alongside with the Creator of the world. 

Sending you love and asking for prayers for my Tarzan,



Goodbye the warfare year of 2024, Hello the restful arms of Christ


Countdown to Disney